Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sony’s new Handycam: HDR-CX6EK

It is now a known fact that AVCHD format has been slow on the uptake in software for editing and playback and though the best way to watch your HD video is much the same – connecting your HDTV directly – but a few softwares are coming up to allow you watch and edit your High Definition footage on your computer. Among AVCHD camcorders, Sony Handycam HDR-CX6EK is one of those that produce high quality videos and would certainly impress you. However, you need to be ready to shell out some money for it. And it’s going to be around £800.
CX6EK can fit into nearly any bag whatsoever and you may even be able to adjust it in a large jacket pocket.
There seems to be a little problem though. Since our hand covers the right side and top of the CX6EK, Sony had to put some of the buttons behind the LCD screen. Now that never is a good thing to do because it makes it a bit inconvenient for the user to handle the camcorder.

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